Spend time with your child involve yourself in all his/her activities always try to answer the queries.
Balance academics along with other activities.
Know the school rules thoroughly and always adhere to them. 4. Attend Parent-Teachers meet the devote your maximum time to educational talk.
Acquaint yourself with the syllabus and check his / her notes at least once a week to monitor his / her progress.
Concentrate on the health and hygiene of your ward.
Guide your child to learn to relax mentally.
Make him / her emotionally strong and self-condent.
Appreciate their plus points and help them to overcome from their weakness. 10. Facilitate the cultivation of moral values, which are taught in the school. Parents must clear the fees on or before 5th of every month. If not, late penalty will be imposed.
Do not discuss any problem of your child with anyone except his / her Grade Mentor/HeadMaster/PRO/Principal. Parents who discusses with all, problems will never get solutions.
Do not criticize the school or any teacher in front of your child. 3. Do not come to an opinion about the school based on an isolated incident or individual observations.
Do not ask leave for your work unless the circumstances are extremely demanding.
Do not compare with other children. Every child has his / her own unique talents.
Do not insult your child in front of others.
Do not interfere in the methodology of teaching.
Do not trust your child blindly if he / she says anything about the teacher or institutions.
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